FOREVER YOUNG: Classic Rock Supergroup “Boston” Shot to Stardom with the Release of Their Bombastic Self-Titled Debut Album


FOREVER YOUNG:  Classic Rock Supergroup “Boston” Shot to Stardom with the Release of Their Bombastic Self-Titled Debut Album

By Leslie Snyder

This meteoric rise to stardom began in the mid 1970’s in Boston. Massachusetts.  This meteoric rise to stardom made fans of disco cringe while making fans of high-octane rock and roll want to turn up their stereos and annoy their neighbors.  Boston released their bombastic self-titled debut album on April 25, 1976 featuring eight memorable tracks about being young and life being one unforgettable adventure that no one ever wants to come to an end.  Then, suddenly realizes that growing up has its downside. 

The unforgettable adventure begins with frustration growing inside of a man’s heart in the explosive track “More Than a Feeling.” (Official audio).  This track features ear-piercing vocals and thunderous classic rock melodies that sound like a thunderstorm is raging on inside of a restless man’s soul.  This track is a heart wrenching tale about a restless man who is struggling with the reality of having to be an adult and having more responsibilities in his life.  So, the restless man chooses to block out the reality of being an adult by turning up the volume on his stereo while dreaming of his former girlfriend and how much simpler his life used to be.  Meanwhile, the unforgettable adventure continues with frustration rapidly turning into reckless abandon in the blistering track “Smokin’” (Official audio).  This track features screaming vocals and scorching classic rock melodies that sound like two muscle cars are drag racing on a Friday night.  This track is a raucous tale about a wild group of college students who are forgetting about schoolwork and partying like there is no tomorrow enjoying their new-found freedom.

Finally, the unforgettable adventure slowly winds down as night falls in the romantic track “Let Me Take You Home Tonight (Official audio).  This track features soulful vocals and groovy, sensuous classic rock melodies that sound like two hearts are pounding wildly at midnight.  This track is a steamy tale about a curious man who is intrigued by a beautiful woman.  So, the curious man is cautiously attempting to coax the beautiful woman to spend the night with him.

Boston is one of the greatest classic rock supergroups of all time.  This hard-charging classic rock band quickly cemented themselves into rock and roll history with the release of their monumental self-titled debut album.  This emotionally intense collection of music is still creating memories for rock and roll fans everywhere.

Record Label:  Epic Records

Band Websites:


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