Tag : BridgestoneArena


Fuerza Regida: Beyond Borders in Music City

Alma Reed
  “A Sinaloan Fiesta in the Heart of Nashville” Nashville’s Bridgestone Arena, often celebrated as the mecca for the twangs of country music, witnessed a riveting transformation on September 28th. The sounds of steel-stringed guitars were replaced by the rhythmic beats of Fuerza Regida, and the arena hummed with an......
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Zombie y Cooper: Una Noche Estruendosa de Leyendas del Rock en Nashville”

Alma Reed
El 12 de septiembre, la electricidad se palpaba en el aire del Bridgestone Arena en Nashville. Era la noche en que dos gigantes del rock, Rob Zombie y Alice Cooper, se unían para sacudir almas en su tour “Freaks on Parade”.   Alice Cooper, el cerebro detrás de “Detroit Stories”,......