In just a couple weeks, Dropkick Murphys will close out their latest tour in Nashville on November 19, presenting the band like never before.

This Machine…Theater Tour will offer the Boston band’s first-ever reserved seating theater tour, in support of their brand-new, powerful acoustic album This Machine Still Kills Fascists that came out September 30 via the band’s Dummy Luck Music / [PIAS].

TMSKF is unlike anything Dropkick Murphys have done to date: A full album of songs that bring Woody Guthrie’s words to life. Not a tribute album or a collection of covers, This Machine Still Kills Fascists is a collaboration between Dropkick Murphys and Woody Guthrie – artists separated by time and space, but connected by a common philosophy – to create something entirely new.

This Machine Still Kills Fascists continues Dropkick Murphys’ journey with Woody Guthrie that began nearly two decades ago with “Gonna Be A Blackout Tonight” and “I’m Shipping Up To Boston.” For those two songs, Dropkick Murphys pulled Guthrie’s lyrics into their musical world, giving them the DKM treatment through and through. For this album – created from a larger body of mostly unpublished works, curated for the band by Woody’s daughter Nora Guthrie – they knew they needed to enter Woody’s musical world, an altogether new challenge for a band whose raw power had relied on searing electric guitars up until this point.

(photo by Dave Stauble)                                                                                       Dropkick Murphys – This Machine Still Kills Fascists band members are: Ken Casey (lead vocals), Tim Brennan (guitars, tin whistle, accordion, piano, vocals), Jeff DaRosa (guitars, banjo, mandolin, vocals), Matt Kelly (drums, percussion, and vocals), James Lynch (guitars and vocals), Kevin Rheault (bass).


Dropkick Murphys and their longtime producer Ted Hutt aptly recorded This Machine Still Kills Fascists at The Church Studio in Tulsa (just a few minutes from Woody Guthrie’s birthplace, and the modern-day Woody Guthrie Center). The historic studio was founded by Leon Russell and was the original location of legendary Shelter Records. During the album sessions, Dropkick Murphys made a point to visit Woody’s hometown of Okemah and walk the same streets Woody walked. Retreating to Woody’s home state of Oklahoma to record the album had a powerful effect on the band and the creative process behind these songs. Ultimately, Dropkick Murphys had so much material based on Woody’s poignant lyrics that they recorded two albums, with Vol. 2 scheduled for release in 2023.

For the special tour, Jaime Wyatt will be the main support – as well as joining DKM on stage for the duet “Never Git Drunk No More” – and Jesse Ahern will open the shows. The full tour run of dates is listed below.


Website: www.DropkickMurphys.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/DropkickMurphys

Instagram: www.instagram.com/dropkickmurphys

Twitch: www.twitch.tv/dropkickmurphys

Twitter: www.twitter.com/DropkickMurphys

YouTube: www.youtube.com/DropkickMurphys

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